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Techniques Used

Deep tissue massage and Effleurage and Petrissage:

These are often used to help increase general circulation, by increasing the flow of blood. This helps to remove waste products within the muscles and bring fresh nutrients to the area.

Neuromuscular Technique (NMT):

Excessive tension (hypertonicity) of a muscle will result in an epicentre of tension and this will be present as a lump(or knot) within that muscle. This will effect not only the muscle itself but the surrounding muscles which will compensate for the hypertonicity. NMT will target the knot within the tight muscle using pressure, which will help to release the knot, this will have a knock on effect to the surrounding muscle fibres within that muscle, releasing tension.

Muscle Energy Technique: There are two different adaptations to this technique, which one is used depends upon the individual clients conditions/symptoms as well as their capabilities and stage of recovery. Muscle Energy Technique is a controlled stretch of the muscle to help restore elasticity and reduce excessive tension, and thus helping to increase the range of movement within the muscle.

Soft Tissue Release (STR): STR is a good technique used specifically to break down adhesions within muscle fibres, scar tissue and restore elasticity to the muscle. It will help re-establish the glide between individual muscle fibres and thus the efficiency and function of the whole muscle. Additionally loosening off a tight muscle using this technique can help treat and improve the condition of the opposing muscle, creating a treatment that helps the surrounding and compensating muscles.

Frictions: Frictions are a very deep and very localised technique to break down scar tissue and adhesions within the fibres of either a muscle, ligament or tendon.

Positional Release Technique: Positional Release Technique is very effective if the client is experiencing a high level of pain, have acute conditions, sensitive or frail. It works by identifying the trigger points and then positioning the client in a position of ease, which will ease the pain, making this technique much less painful. This position is held. Positional release will help decrease muscle spasm and increase local circulation of blood flow to the area, as well as treating the surrounding fascia.

Stretching, strengthening and range of movement exercises can also be given if needed to help complement the massage in between the session. Hydrotherapy advice of ice and heat applications can also be recommended.

Dry Needling/Medical Acupuncture is a great pain relief for moderate to
severe muscular pain. Effective following massage techniques, but can
also be used on its own for a shorter treatment. Also another effective
way to release muscular tension.

Kinesiology Tape: Great in addition to massage techniques, for those
with soft tissue injuries such as sprains, strains, tendonitis etc. So
great for those athletes carrying a few little niggles.

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